ŽĎAS, a. s.

The joint-stock company ŽĎAS belongs among leaders of Czech engineering. Over 67 years, it has been a modern and reliable manufacturer of forming machines, equipment for rolled products processing, metallurgic products and pressing tools.
Production halls are equipped with high-quality machinery to perform heavy and light machining and the assembly and testing of individual products.
Our production is supplied to nearly fifty countries all over the world. Long years of experience, own modern design and development guarantee top quality and reliability as well as one-hundred-percent service. Each of our 2000 high-qualified professionals cares for long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers.
Design of equipment is always adjusted to customer’s specific requirements and needs; it is focused on performance, reliability and easy operation and maintenance of the final product. Our solutions are often protected by patents.
We are a holder of the international certification within the Integrated Management System, international certification of Environmental Management System and many product certificates enabling production of specified parts intended for the most demanding engineering branches. We always apply principles of safety and health protection at work, and we keep investing in latest environmentally-friendly technologies
Markets and Segments
- Metalurgický průmysl
- Energetický průmysl
- Automobilový průmysl
- Ropný průmysl
- Železniční průmysl
- Těžební průmysl
- Jaderná energetika
- Strojírenský průmysl
- Zpracování odpadu
- Dopravní průmysl
- Metalurgický průmysl