About us

Basic information

Basic information on Association of Industrial Plants Suppliers

   Association of Industrial Plants Suppliers (SDIC) was established in August 1986. Since 1991 it has been a legal entity with the status of voluntary association of legal persons within the meaning of the Civil Code.

   The Association focuses on the current needs of the SDIC members in the individual stages of development in the field of supplies of capital equipment. In the past the Association focused on processing proposals for directives and standards for capital construction, provided services of specialized professional sections, information services and technical training in the field of construction of capital equipment to its members. Since 1997 the activities of the SDIC have been focused exclusively on supplies of capital equipment to both domestic and foreign markets.

   The SDIC is a platform for defending and advancing the common interests of its members in the field of supplies of capital equipment to both foreign and domestic markets. The SDIC representatives establish contacts and negotiate with representatives of the economic and political management of the state and representatives of financial, insurance and other institutions that are active in the field of supplies of capital equipment. An integral part of the activities of the Association is providing assistance in solving individual problems of the individual SDIC members and supporting their business activities. Every member of the Association is entitled to use resources and opportunities provided by the SDIC as tools to achieve their economic objectives.

   The supreme managing body of the Association is the General Assembly of the SDIC. Outside the meetings of the General Assembly the activities of the Association are managed by the Board of Directors of the SDIC. The supervisory body is the Audit Committee which also supervises the financial management of the Association. The basic organizational documents of the Association include the Articles of Association of the SDIC and the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of the SDIC.

   SDIC members can be legal persons that supply capital equipment or participate in preparation and realization of capital equipment both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Membership in the Association commences upon the assessment of the application of the respective new member and the approval of adoption of the member by the Board of Directors of the SDIC by signing a membership contract which stipulates the rights and duties of both parties.

   Today, Association of Industrial Plants Suppliers represents a group of business entities which is part of the macroeconomic environment in the Czech Republic and acts as an integrating element in defending and advancing the common interests of its members and partners.

Fast contact

Norbert Tuša
Tel.: +420 775 337 900


Membership application

In case of application for membership, please contact us or download the registration form.


Brochure SDIC

List of all SDIC members with detailed activity description and references.

Ethical Code of the SDIC

Association of Industrial Plants Suppliers (hereinafter referred to as “Association”) is a voluntary community of companies that have decided to join forces to advance their common interests.

   The member companies of the Association have their own business objectives and intentions, are often competitors to each other and occupy different positions in the supplier structure in the process of capital construction by performing their activities. Yet, through their involvement in the Association, they seek tools to eliminate obstacles caused by both external and internal conditions of their activities.

   Being aware of the aforementioned, the member companies of the Association voluntarily adopt the rules of their mutual relationships specified in this Ethical Code of the members of the Association, such as the principles of conduct of the members of the Association between each other as well as when performing their external activities. The purpose of these rules is to enhance consolidation and deepening of the partnership between the members of the Association on the principle of mutual trust and mutual respect as a source of certainty in business.

The Ethical Code of the Association shows an effort to establish qualitatively higher forms of relationships between the members of the Association in order to create a stable foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation; it is expressed as follows:

   Successful business activities providing the certainty of promising future are a fundamental objective of every member company of the Association and the entire Association as a community of companies. Therefore, in the individual business transactions every member of the Association preferentially evaluates the possibilities of collaboration with the other members of the Association with the prospect of creation of a stable supplier structure for other orders.

   The relationships between the members of the Association are based on their mutual helpfulness and willingness to cooperate effectively within their capacities and in accordance with their supply programmes. Every member company of the Association which enters competition to obtain a contract is aware of the fact that the other members of the Association provide a solid background and certainty of possible future cooperation.

   The members of the Association consider their competitors to be a motivation for professional growth and development of every company. Regarding the positions of the mutual competitors, the members of the Association obey the principle of competition as a fair fight for technical parameters and business conditions of deliveries, excluding any practices that would violate the rules of business ethics.

   The common interest of the members of the Association is to create conditions for their successful supplier activities in the field of capital equipment as the main programme objective of the Association. All members of the Association support this process by disseminating updated information on the prevalence and impact of negative external influences on their activities to the centre of the Association. The created file of information, with a predetermined degree of confidentiality, is the common property of the members of the Association.

   Not all business information is useful for every member of the Association with respect to its manufacturing programme or capacities. The standard procedure is that such information is forwarded to the centre of the Association or to the other members of the Association whose supplier characteristics, possibilities and needs are known.

   The unity of opinions of the members of the Association concerning the fundamental issues of activities performed by their companies makes the Association a compact group with common interests. When acting or negotiating with partners outside the Association, the representatives of the members of the Association defend and advance not only their own company interests but also interests of the other members of the Association and the Association as a whole.

   The programme of activities of the Association is based on a comprehensive solution to company issues and involves a series of related, or more precisely coherent professional, or more precisely specialized fields. For the purpose of processing expert opinions and standpoints for negotiations between the representatives of the Association and state administration bodies, legislative bodies and other institutions, the members of the Association are ready to provide professional potential of their top employees in their common interest.

   The agility and power of the Association stem from the number and mainly the quality of its members, their sense of belonging to this group of companies, and their willingness to participate in achieving their common objectives within the bounds of their possibilities. From this perspective, recruiting new members of the Association, whose standpoints, opinions and relationship to cooperation with the other members may be beneficial and strengthening to the Association, is in the interest of every current member of the Association.

   Professional and personal contacts between the members of the Association involve their approach to solving their mutual disputes. In these cases the members of the Association prefer mutual negotiations with the aim to reach a peaceful settlement.

   The members of the Association are aware of the fact that the Association is a tool for them to assert their intentions and objectives. Therefore, the members of the Association understand their cooperation on common issues and performance of their duties to the Association as creation and sustenance of the conditions necessary for the operation of the Association.

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