Members of SDIC

AF POWER agency a.s.
AF POWER agency a. s. currently belongs among the main players in the field of media support of power engineering and power engineering machinery in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The production line was set up of the products from the field of heavy current electrical technology, mostly of electric machines and apparatuses.

Fans, a.s.
FANS, a.s. is an international engineering and contracting company. We focus on construction and modernisations of power plants and industrial facilities. One of the specialisations that we focus on are industrial cooling technologies.

K2 Lešení, s.r.o.
Naše společnost zajišťuje kompletní lešenářský servis – montáž, demontáž, zapůjčení a dopravu lešení. Vzhledem ke stovkám realizovaných projektů a dlouholetým zkušenostem našich pracovníků dokážeme realizovat i ty nejnáročnější projekty.

Královopolská, a.s.
The joint-stock company KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ is a leading supplier of apparatuses for the chemical and petrochemical industry and also cranes, which find applications not only in the metallurgical industry but also in other sectors.

MICo, spol. s r.o.
Společnost se zaměřuje především na konstrukci a výrobu výměníků tepla, kondenzátorů, tlakových nádob, nádrží, ocelových konstrukcí, technologických částí pro jadernou a konvenční energetiku, chemický a potravinářský průmysl a těsnění pro speciální aplikace.

Former professional orientation was to industry producing cement, ceramics, lime and building materials.

SIGMA DIZ spol. s r.o.
SIGMA DIZ is a modern and dynamically motivated engineering company which is the most significant producer of pumping machinery in the Czech Republic.

ZVVZ-Enven Engineering, a. s.
ZVVZ-Enven Engineering is a commercial and engineering company, whose main focus is based on design activities and the supply of facilities for the cleaning of waste gases from solid and gaseous pollutants, thus contributing considerably to the protection of the environment.

ŽĎAS, a. s.
The joint-stock company ŽĎAS belongs among leaders of Czech engineering. Over 67 years, it has been a modern and reliable manufacturer of forming machines, equipment for rolled products processing, metallurgic products and pressing tools.