ZVVZ-Enven Engineering, a. s.

The joint-stock company ZVVZ-Enven Engineering is a subsidary company of the holding company ZVVZ GROUP. The ZVVZ GROUP follows in the footsteps of the traditional brand ZVVZ, which, as an indication of the longstanding of the company as a supplier of facilities for ecology, has been on the market for more than sixty years.
ZVVZ-Enven Engineering is a commercial and engineering company, whose main focus is based on design activities and the supply of facilities for the cleaning of waste gases from solid and gaseous pollutants, thus contributing considerably to the protection of the environment.
The company has its own know-how for the design, structure and production of bag filters with regeneration of filter bags by pulsejet pressure air in on-line and off-line modes, which are delivered for explosive and non-explosive environments. In addition, it owns know-how for deliveries of dry horizontal chamber electrostatic precipitators, heat exchangers and elements of the stationary pneumatic transport of bulk material. These products are further developed within the framework of the company’s own technical development.
Besides this ZVVZ-Enven Engineering also deliver air-conditioning systems and ventilation for buildings, industrial buildings and mines.
The company’s role in the market is mainly that of a provider of complex solutions for turn-key ecologic projects, whilst acting as a general contractor. The company carries out the complete execution of the work; from its design, delivery and installation, to putting the whole facility into operation. It is also a supplierof piece production according to its own know-how. Designs and deliveries of complete air technology for both nuclear and non-nuclear islands of nuclear power stations represent an important part of the supplier programme of ZVVZ-Enven Engineering. The company has its own know-how for special filter stations, the function of which is to capture radioactive aerosols and iodine c ompounds during operation.
The company has delivered and offered complete designs and deliveries of such facilities for existing nuclear energy sources, as well as for those that are being planned to be built, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The company simultaneously technically develops and extends its supplier programme by intensive reparation of technical solutions for municipal-waste incinerators and technologies for desulfurization of waste gases from power-producing sources.
The company ZVVZ-Enven Engineering employs more than 250 workers and its average annual turnover stands at approximately 40 million EUR.
Its non-contingent workers prepare technical studies, design and working documentation, and they carry out offering and commercial activities, realise deliveries, perform the installation of facilities and put them into operation. The company provides all guarantee and after-guarantee technical services, as well as other services.
With much intensity, the company develops its export strategy, with the aim to successfully set up on foreign markets. Its foreign representative offices are strategically placed and developed through its subsidiaries, these are mainly in Russia, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The company has also established its commercial representations in Central Europe and is always looking for new
ways to penetrate other markets of the world.
To date, the company has implemented hundreds of projects, gaining many references in the Czech Republic and abroad.
The key objective of ZVVZ-Enven Engineering is to become a dependable and reliable partner for its customers.
Selected references
Dodávka 4ks axiálních ventilátorů pro chlazení komutátorů
Pro Liberty Ostrava
- Náhrada původních ventilátorů typové řady ARA, ARC za inovované ventilátory s vyšší účinností typové řady ARL 1600 a ARN 1400.
- Ventilátory dodávané ve smontovaném stavu pro jednodušší instalaci v místě.
- Mechanická regulace výkonu pomocí regulačního ústrojí instalovaného před oběžným kolem z pohledu směru proudění.
Dodávka elektrických odlučovačů typu EKG
V rozsahu je dodávka 6 ks totožných elektrických odlučovačů:
- Společnost KERNEL – Ukrajina, kotelna Bandurka
- Odprášení kotlů na spalování biomasy (slunečnicové slupky)
- Objem čištěných spalin: 79.900 m³/h
- Garantovaný úlet: 50 mg/Nm³
Pneumatická doprava mletého vápna do míchací stanice
V roce 2022 budeme realizovat v Carmeuse Slovakia s.r.o.,. pneumatickou dopravu vápna od betonových skladovacích sil pomocí dvojice komorových podavačů PKS 2,9 ocelovým dopravním potrubím se zaústěním do 65m³ sil míchacího centra. Součástí dodávky je ocelový potrubní most pro přemostění stávající komunikace.